Internal Medicine Doctor

Doctor Sarah Ghayouri accepts new adult patients 15 and older. She is an internal medicine doctor with over 20 years’ experience diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases and conditions that affect adult patients. She is affiliated with Scripps Hospital in La Jolla. Scroll down to see a list of the conditions she treats most often.

Dr. Sarah Ghayouri practices preventative medicine, advising and treating patients to prevent diseases and conditions, to keep you healthy in your future years.

She is an expert on anti-aging medicine and can help you avoid medical and cosmetic problems that affect you as you grow older.

Dr. Sarah’s expertise includes treating:

  • high cholesterol
  • high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • hormone imbalances
  • thyroid disorders
  • sexual dysfunction
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • menopause
  • weight loss

What’s an Internal Medicine Physician?

Doctors of Internal Medicine are specially trained to keep adults healthy as well as treating challenging conditions and illness. Their training in residency focuses on treating adults. With their in-depth knowledge internal medicine doctors, or internists, sometimes serve as the “doctor’s doctor” by helping other physicians diagnose and manage complex medical illnesses.

Internal medicine doctors are trained to deal with puzzling conditions and chronic illness. They also focus on keeping patients well and healthy by preventing diseases.

Dr. Ghayouri MD FACP
What Does FACP Mean?

The letters FACP mean Sarah is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Fellowship is awarded to distinguish physicians who strive to become better doctors through continued medical education, teaching, or research.

Free Doctor Consultation

Consult with Dr. Sarah by Email or Phone
Before You Make An Appointment

858-731-7601 mobile

7334 Girard Ave., La Jolla, CA